Supercar Lites Type GH FOR SALE
Overhauld and mentained very carefully by Alfta Racing Team in sweden since 2018
The car is updated, prepared, competetive and ready for a new season 2022.
For exampel Nitro Rallycross, RallyX Nordic..
(Supercar Lites with 2.4 L petrol engine with 310 HP and 300 Nm torque).
Overhauled and restored in season 2021:
- New R53 suspenssion
- New filter and fuellines suited to new P1 Bio fuel
- FIA refuelkit with fuelpump
- Gearbox (restored by Olsbergs MSE)
- Differentials (restored by Olsbergs MSE)
- Engine tested by Olsbergs MSE (with papers saved)
- New brakedisk and pads
- Restored brake calippers
- restores clutch and brakecylinders
- New inner and outer drivejoints
- straighten and overseened driveshafts
- straighten and overseened propshaft
- New clutch
- New flywheel
- New wheelbearings
- New Uniballs and bushings in front and and back
- New belts
- straighten and overseened rims
- New windows
- New battery
with more..
Loads of spare parts, body, fuel, rims, tiers,
Located in central sweden
for more questions please make a call or e-mail
Overhauld and mentained very carefully by Alfta Racing Team in sweden since 2018
The car is updated, prepared, competetive and ready for a new season 2022.
For exampel Nitro Rallycross, RallyX Nordic..
(Supercar Lites with 2.4 L petrol engine with 310 HP and 300 Nm torque).
Overhauled and restored in season 2021:
- New R53 suspenssion
- New filter and fuellines suited to new P1 Bio fuel
- FIA refuelkit with fuelpump
- Gearbox (restored by Olsbergs MSE)
- Differentials (restored by Olsbergs MSE)
- Engine tested by Olsbergs MSE (with papers saved)
- New brakedisk and pads
- Restored brake calippers
- restores clutch and brakecylinders
- New inner and outer drivejoints
- straighten and overseened driveshafts
- straighten and overseened propshaft
- New clutch
- New flywheel
- New wheelbearings
- New Uniballs and bushings in front and and back
- New belts
- straighten and overseened rims
- New windows
- New battery
with more..
Loads of spare parts, body, fuel, rims, tiers,
Located in central sweden
for more questions please make a call or e-mail
Martin Jonsson
User since: Sep 12, 2021
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Posted Apr 24, 2021 to Rallycross - other